
Grand Final

  • THR the use of bold and graphic imagery in feminist art (genitalia, grotesque figures, blood, etc.).
  • ESL Finals

  • THBT western social justice groups (e.g. feminist advocacy groups, LGBT advocacy groups) should have a global agenda, as opposed to a local one.
  • Semifinals

  • THS the increasing globalisation of the Yuan.
  • Quarterfinals

  • THBT the American government should increase the gas tax and direct the revenue towards modernizing and expanding public transport.
  • Round 5

  • THBT the left should advocate for increased police force to be used against Ottawa's "freedom convoy."
  • Round 4

  • THP a world in which people do not search for a purpose in life (e.g. working towards vocational goals, building your life around family)
  • Round 3

  • THW prioritize providing students in rural areas with digital access and remote degrees from good schools over developing schools in rural areas.
  • Round 2

  • THW compel priests to report felonies which they learn of during confession.
  • Round 1

  • THBT the feminist movement should disavow body positivity in favour of advocating for body neutrality.